18 Dezember 2008


Could be my philosophy, straight, easy and clear, like the graphic velo.

17 Dezember 2008

color pics from the 1940s

This two pictures are from the Pacific Theater operation from the Battle of Tarawa. There is obviously a violent subtext behind the situations, but I just like the colors and energy of the photos. Scenes from soldiers who were consciously going through hell.

Pictures from the LIFE photo archive.

16 Dezember 2008

more bikes

By the way, here another bike builder you shouldnt miss.


I try to hide and not to go over the top, but I'm obsessed with Velo's (bicycles).
Freeman Transport is based in Montana and builds hand made bikes. The company was founded in 2006 by the artist and designer Nathaniel Freeman and Benjamin Ferencz. Refusing to go anywhere bikeless, they designed a bike which can easily disassembled and packed into their signature waxed canvas and leather carrying bag. In addition they also make products for the traveler, can be seen on theirs website. Here some pics of my top rate object of desire!

15 Dezember 2008

Photo of the day

This photography is out the new book "Born-Again Vintage". A book of fashion designer B. Artise and partner Jen Karetnick. They decided to put together a book of easy instructions on how to update your treasures, while giving them a little bit of spice. 25 ways to deconstruct, reinvent and recycle your wardrobe. You can get this jewel on amazon

Love it.


By the way, talking about green life, I like things out of dailylife with a different use or several uses. Atelier-V is a Swiss company which is specialized in rethinking and has a very inspiring and interesting homepage. Unfortunately in German, but the pictures have their own language.
Here a direct link for 8 uses of an umbrella. Enjoy!

The day my World stood still

I was yesterday in the cinema, watched the movie "The Day the Earth stood still". What shall I say, I've never seen the original, which I've heard should be way better than the remake, but I must confess, either way I like the idea of the story. In short it's about the bad treatment of earth and the development. And when I write development I not mean Computer, touch screen or the new fashion line from YSL, these things are just time witnesses, no, I mean the human development. I dont see live is about what I wear, what I drive or what I own, Live should have a bigger reason, evolution is the word! I try to live, like lots of people call it "green", call me alternative or a hippie, but I feel bad about the economic development and the careless way of living. During my travels, I realized, I can life with almost nothing. And I need to say, it feels better with less, I would even go further and say the less I own the more I got, rather more happy and independent I am. Ohhh I could write several blogs about this theme. I try to set signs in my immediate vicinity. This sometimes is difficult for me. There are always and everywhere temtations. But IF everyone would give it a try..... if, if, if, I am also a daydreamer.
To come back to the movie, I can only recommend this movie to you. A good movie to me is, when I go out the cinema and can take something home.

Beside that I'm a big fan of Madagaskar 2. Verrry funny, I rarely laughed so much, hihi...always when I've stress or a problem now I think about the scene in the crashing plain and hear the monkey screaming "Es iste viel lustiger wenne ihr die Arme hochhebt!" what means about "It's more fun, when you put your hands up!". That always makes me laugh and let me take things with a smile.

Have a good day and remember: Its more fun when you put your hands up!

12 Dezember 2008

h&m home collection

Hihi, I heard a few weeks ago that H&M is gonna launch a home collection! Here a little sneak peak, featuring all 3 of the 4 different lines. Prices are as reasonable as it's clothing collection. They will get promoted in February only in Sweden, Germany, the Nederlands and Austria. In Summer it should be launched also in rest of Europe.

Photos and info via the Swedish blog Husmusen. Check it out!

11 Dezember 2008

Moving, just keep moving...

I wrote you yesterday about moving. We are going to move to Winterthur. Which is 15min away from Zuerich where we life now. It's gonna be a coplicated birth. In short, our caretaker is not a very sociable person and our renter is known for his run-down but very cheap houses. The problem is that he owns half of the city and even the city can't do a lot against his sleazy way of treating the houses. But as I catch up with my A-Levels in February I need to save money and cut down my fixcosts, therefor we move into a run-down, super tiny, but very nice old apartment. The moving-in date is still uncertain, because our caretaker realized that his workmen did not do anything in the last three month. They now sweep towards our moving date, which should be, if everything goes fine, between christmas and new year.
Till then I can show you a few pictures from the city and our neighborhood.

Pictures by Angela

Living in between new, old and packed boxes

This year christmas spirit isn't really coming till my house. My Bo and I are going to move end of this year. That means no nicely decorated tables, warm lights in the windows and no baked cookies. I just got no time. The warm cozy winter feeling is just not coming up in between boxes and lumber. Although sometimes, when I take a moment and my eyes catch a picture from the snow covered roofs and the city in it's grey clankered robe and the twinkling lights in the windows.... ok sometime I feel the wintery christmas time.
But isn't it always the same stress every year to christmas time? Whether we're moving or not, I always have the feeling that my calendar is full of red lighted appointments. Everything needs to be done by the end of the year, everyone wants to see you while holidays, a card here, a call there... And even we every year do not want to surprise each other with presents, I always run after them, just because I don't wanna be the only one under the christmas tree with having nothing to give!

This so far. Soon I will post more pictures and goodies! Wish you all a nice cozy evening.

10 Dezember 2008

My first letters...

Hi, I'm Angela. In this blog I'm showing you beats out my life, pictures I enjoy and things that inspire me.
I will always try to mention where I got the pictures from. For the most part I do not own nor claim to own anything.

Hop in and take a seat, the starship takes off to the Blackmoon journey.