15 November 2010

Country Strong

Did you know that actress Gwyneth Paltrow, the utterly perfect woman, wife of singer Chris Martin from Coldplay and mother of two kids, is also a talented singer? She sang in the last 10 years along various albums (nothing really worse to shout out loud) and on the occasion of her upcoming movie 'Country Strong' she is singing the title track to the movie. She gave a sample at the CMA Awards (watch her here). She made a good job, good song, nicely sang, of course she is beautiful to look at, standing ovations - no doubt, but is this cocktail dress and those high heels made for country? Truth is, in the context of her new movie I think it is a good moment to show off her musical talent and seize the moment.

The movie 'Country Strong' can be seen in Zurich on June 2011.

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